Sunday, May 21, 2017

MSLD 511 Module 9 - Course Reflections

Course Reflections

Two months ago, in my conception, leadership was a process in which an individual (leader), focused in a holistic and systemic view of the organization, influence a person or group of people (followers) to achieve a common goal based on the mission and vision of the organization itself, while taking in consideration not just the goal but the individuals involved.

          Nowadays I would not change my definition, but add two considerations while explaining it, based on my studies, discussions and self-reflection throughout the course. Starting by organization, the term is not only related to the political and corporative world. Organization in this definition includes your own self, the core of every relation in leadership, where all the theories is applicable, since we influence our own actions, emotions and mind, learn from self-reflection, ask ourselves question and act towards changes.

In the matter of influence, a leader, seeking for effective leadership, influences a follower by building a relationship. This relationship must be genuine and based on trust empathy, and consideration, through emotional and rational intelligence.

In my professional environment, I can say I am situational leader, who try to consider every possibility, analyzing the situation and the people involved to make the best decision, being a decision for a final goal or for the process itself. This way, there are times I am directive, others I am supportive, when time permits I teach my followers (which comes along with the coaching style, even if the components of coaching cannot be applicable in my work environment due to lack of time) and constantly I delegate tasks to everyone who is willing to learn something new or improve the performance in a specific area. Being situational, I am as well an authentic leader, and I lead by example. I aspire to trust more my followers when I am not around, but with the history of the department it is a challenging task to aspire. Still, I think I can influence the situation to make sure things are done when I am not present, being more directive in some occasions, more supportive in other and delegate even more.

In my personal life, I can say I mix all approaches and styles, again, according the situation. I am passionate about helping and assisting on making the way clear to ease some arduous steps for those I love (path-goal). I roll my sleeves up and go out in the “dirty” not measuring anything to make people around me happy (servant). I am very social, charismatic and I love interaction, and often I am a way of transformation on people’s life - being on changing a point of view or dealing directly with hard moments (transformational). I try constantly to adapt to environment, conditions and factors which influence the situation (adaptive). I aspire to be more emotionally intelligent, controlling my emotions while dealing with challenging situations, and to be more considerate towards others' feelings.

No matter in which sphere, I am always an authentic leader. Not necessarily as follower but always as leader. The important learning, in any time we are acting as leaders or followers, is to understand and respect other’s perspective, believing that there is a reason behind every decision, and do never judge the individual around us, independent of formal rank, without taking in consideration all possible variables, the ones affecting or being affected by the situation, directly or indirectly on the decision.

We all need to give a vow of trust to people around, to our organization and to ourselves, and from this point on work on more possibilities, alternatives and different perspectives, through a deep critical thinking.

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